Tuesday, September 10, 2024

New Cross Skyline

'No One at All' by 'New Cross' was released on New Cross Skyline records, 133 New Cross Road SE14 c1981. Written and produced by Tony Messenger. Anybody know any more?


Tony Messenger was seemingly producer of South London troubador Billy Jenkins. Here's a picture of Tony from the Billy Jenkins Listening Club site


Friday, September 06, 2024

The World to the Eel is a Net

'England was once a great marsh sloppy and empty of landlords. In this watery realm the serpent was sovereign'. So begins an imagined prophecy in Molly Lester's quilt based work 'The World to the Eel is a Net' by Molly Lester exhibited in the chapel of Nunhead Cemetery.

Free entry during cemetery opening hours until Sunday 8th September 2024.