Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nirvana in New Cross?

The Venue in New Cross has seen many tribute bands, incuding 'Teen Spirit - a tribute to Nirvana'. Over at Urban75 there has been a bit of discussion about whether the real band ever played there, with a couple of people thinking they saw them there. 

It can be difficult to be sure about gig memories, half the bands I 'saw' at the Venue I only semi-heard through a drunken mist, or I missed most of because I was dancing upstairs. After digging around at Nirvana-obsessive sites, I am pretty sure they never played at The Venue. 

However according to the very comprehensive Kurt Cobain and the rest of the band did go there on the 22 August 1991 to see 'Mudhoney', 'Hole' and 'Captain America'. The following day they played Reading. This was about a month before 'Nevermind' was released. 

Someone who was there thinks that Nirvana may have played a few numbers with Mudhoney, but I'm not sure about this either. There is a Mudhoney set list for this gig which doesn't mention doing any numbers with Nirvana, but who knows? 

 Anyway that was then, this is now, I'm off to the Venue tomorrow (Friday) for the Angular night.


  1. my friend swears he saw them play there!

  2. I was there but can't remember anyone else but Mudhoney... was a bit out of it so maybe... can't recall!

  3. Nirvana definitely played the Venue in New Cross. I was there and told all my friends they were going to be massive. It was in between them playing Roskilde Festival in Denmark and warm up for Reading the following weekend. I know my shizz

  4. Yes. I went to this gig with the intention of seeing them play. I was just in a fb discussion and vegan to doubt my own memory as I found no listing. Happy to have found some back up!
