Tuesday, April 03, 2007

South London Radical History Group

South London Radical History Group are back with a couple of events at the new Camberwell Squat Centre.

On Wednesday April 11th, 7.30pm there's a film night on the 26th anniversary of the first great Brixton riot in 1981 with two movies, one old and one quite new: The Brixton Tapes (1984) and The Battle for Brixton (2006).

Then on Thursday 19 April, 7.30 pm there's 'RARE DOINGS AT CAMBERWELL' a talk about some of the radical and social history of one of sunny South London's finest boroughs... Meet Chartists and artists, strikers and rioters, trade unionists and anti-fascists, squatters and plotters... From Camberwell Fair to Bonkersfest.

Venue for both: Camberwell Squat Centre, 192 Warham Street, London SE5off Camberwell New Road... Buses: P5, 36, 436, 185. Nearest Tube: Oval. Entrance: donation

1 comment:

  1. RARE DOINGS AT CAMBERWELL was a pretty interesting talk, I thought; although, it did get a bit bogged down in minutiae, and was waaay too long
    But, on the plus side, everyone there was jolly friendly, and the beer was cheap, so I highly recommend the Camberwell Squat Centre (speaking as someone who hasn't been to a squat in quite a few years!)
