Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Transpontine History Map

You might have noticed a new addition in the sidebar of this blog - the Transpontine South East London History Map. Created in google maps, it is in early stages of development but already has 40+ local sites on it, most of them linked to previous posts here. Interested in feedback and suggestions for what to add to the map.


  1. Looks like SE London was on the receiving end of the odd V2 but did you know Barnes Wallis (of bouncing bomb fame, also designed the Lancaster bomber I believe) lived in New Cross?? so we got our own back





    241 new cross road apparently

  2. Yes I've noticed the plaque before - there's also a Barnes Wallis Community Centre behind Somerville Adventure Playground.

  3. I'm reading "The Italian Boy" all about the 'reurrectionists' of London - body snatchers basically. There was a roaring trade in the 1800's supplying medical schools with corpses. One of the pubs they used to meet at

    "....as unofficial guild halls, where bodies could be stored, and tips and warnings exchanged, and as houses of call for those indirectly involved in the trade.... "

    Was the Bricklayers Arms. Ah! the good old days, when you could leave your door open and everyone smiled....obviously don't leave your door open for long or some bugger will steal your granny's body!

    Apparently it was only a misdemeanor to be in a possession of a body as it was not considered theft because a corpse was not considered to belong to anyone. Although some resurrectionists had a way of 'finding' fresh bodies.
