Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Snow Holiday

It feels like the winter Grand National Holiday is coming to an end, more cars on the road and sad looking half-melted snow sculptures. Still it was fun while it lasted. Some curmudgeonly characters have complained about the disruption to the usual work/school grind, but it's been great to see whole parts of the City turned into a playground for children of all ages, sledging on plastic trays, building snowmen and throwing snowballs.

Here's a few photos - from the top: Telegraph Hill top park on Monday; snowman in Telegraph Hill Park; snowman (or is it a snow-woman?) in Gellatly Road; side of a van in Drakefell Road.

(Brockley Central and Caroline's Miscellany have more local photos)

1 comment:

  1. now for a snow general strike

    great day

    dont let the kiljoys and big business take it away from us

    stay at home

    meet the neigbours
    spend some quality time with the kids

    capitalism isnt working

    why should we
