Sunday, February 22, 2009

White Hart lap dancing a step nearer

New blackout windows in the White Hart in New Cross suggest that the landlord is pushing ahead with plans to turn it from a pub to a strip club - possibly called Unique's judging from the lettering on the windows.

Anyway the matter is due to be discussed at the Telegraph Hill Ward Assembly next Monday night, 7pm in the Honor Oak Community Centre, Turnham Road. There will also be a discussion on some of the wider issues at a meeting on 'Pornography and Feminism' at Goldsmiths College (Small Hall Cinema) in New Cross on Tuesday 24th February at 6pm. Angela McRobbie and guests will be debating 'the purported post-feminist liberation of pole dancing and the mainstreaming of porn'. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, but would be interested in hearing McRobbie's take all on this, as she is one of the few academics to have written anything insightful about one of my passions, the politics of dancing.

Incidentally - and unconnected to the pub or the lap dancing row - last Friday's South London Press reports that a group of teenagers were apparently shot at last week by a youth on a bicycle at Queens Road/New Cross Road junction near to the White Hart.


  1. Yeuch, and a bad apostrophe to top it all off!

  2. I remember ending up in a lap dancing club on a stag doo (I'm sorry, OK??!!)

    It was called Sophisticats....classy huh?

  3. run by a bloke called protagoras?
