Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Old Deptford Photos

JeanyPee at Flickr has some great old Deptford photos (as well as some good new ones too). Although they are family photos (the Peterson family mostly), they are also of great historical interest to people like me so hope she won't mind me reproducing a few here. Check out the South London threads, 40s/50s Style!

Deptford Teddy Boys 1955

Outside Speedwell House (now demolished), 1952

Outside Watergate House, Watergate Street, 1940s

Deptford stables in Murrays alley off Comet St, Deptford, 1950s. Passersby were charged 6d to view the animals that Billy Smarts Circus used to stable there, while they set up on Blackheath.

(just noticed some of these pictures are also on the Lewisham Family Album blog - no posts there for a couple of years, but worth checking out. I always find it sad when at Deptford Market you come across old family pictures, presumably left over from a house clearance. I agree with Lewisham Family Album that 'The residents of Lewisham and their ancestors have come from every corner of the globe. Most images of these people have yet to be seen by the wider public. Unfortunately, in a few years, many precious, historic images will be dust, especially the mass-produced colour images of the 1970's and 80's. It is important that they are preserved, and publishing them online is one way of doing so, and sharing them with the world'. So if you have any old pictures lying around, why not scan them and put them on flickr or somewhere. Otherwise Transpontine or one of the other local blogs would be happy to put some of them up)

1 comment:

  1. I used to live on Vaughan Williams Close, which Murray's Alley backs on to. There's a building in it which looks like it could have been a stable, which would make sense (now, inevitably, flats). I believe Vaughan Williams Close used to be a tannery; anyone know? Great to see these pics, thanks.
