Monday, January 24, 2011

Transpontine on Resonance FM

I had the privilege recently of being featured on the excellent Lost Steps programme on Resonance FM. The programme, presented by Malcolm Hopkins, explores 'aspects of London's artistic and cultural landscape. Our guests are generally artists, writers, film makers, bloggers, academics, publishers etc'. I went down to the Resonance FM studio in Borough High Street a few weeks ago and the programme was broadcast this week. Have a listen:

Neil Transpontine, Lost Steps, Resonance FM, January 2011:

The conversation covers the Transpontine theatre, the New Cross Scene, the history of the New Cross Road, Geoffrey Chaucer, Deptford Broadway as the local speakers corner for suffragettes and Chartists, the 1890s anarchist bombs in New Cross and Lewisham, the 1977 anti-National Front demonstration, the 1981 New Cross Fire and sound system culture. Forgot the date of the Cornish revolt which ended on Deptford Bridge: it was 1497.


  1. would heartily recommend ResonanceFM as a constant source of surprise - and going for many years!!

  2. fine overview. only one thing jarred: wasnt too keen on the presenter saying 'good to see some things havent changed at all' after you talked about chaucer being attacked in hatcham
