Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Lost Figures of Lewisham

On Robert Elms' BBC London radio show last week [November 2011] there was some discussion of  the 'lost figures of Lewisham'. Back in the 1980s there was a clock in Lewisham shopping centre featuring these figures, which apparently were revealed on the hour.

The figures represented 'Characters of South East London' and were designed by the artist Sam Smith (1909-1983). Not sure exactly when the clock was removed, but on the radio show a couple of people came forward and revealed that they had independently salvaged a couple of the figures - if more can be found maybe there can be a reunion in the shopping centre!

Robert Elms' show is one of those threatened by cuts to BBC local radio. I can't imagine any other radio show running an item like the above, but the point is not just about keeping Robert's show going. The issue is whether BBC London is going to have any meaningful London content at all. Cheap generic shows are no substitute for programmes knowledgeably  informed by what is happening in London, its history and its present - and reflecting the fact that London is not just Westminster and the City but places like Lewisham and New Cross.

There is a Save BBC Local Radio day of action on December 1st, including a 6 pm protest at Broadcasting House. (photos courtesy of Robert Elms' facebook page, posted by listeners)

Update: September 2015:

The tailor figure from the Lewisham set turned up on Channel 4's Four Rooms programme this week with Lewisham's Ellie-Mae Reilly selling it to a collector for £750. I was surprized how big it was, and that it was not just a figure but an automaton with an internal mechanism so it moved its head and scissors.


  1. They were Spitting Image-esque figures, very much of their time. We used to stand and wait with our small daughter till they appeared. Happy days! I seem to remember that when the Riverdale was first built, there was some talk of the interior being designed by the same people that designed one of the big liners.

  2. I used to love these figures. I still remember the tune they played as they turned around! Used to make my mum wait until they appeared every time we went shoppng. Childhood memories!

  3. I remember these too from my childhood! What a great trip down memory lane seeing the picture here. The shopping centre had its first major refurbishment round about 1990, and I seem to recall that the figures were removed then.

    NB: Check out the Beautiful South's video for 'I'll Sail This Ship Alone' which includes some shots inside the shopping centre!

  4. I remember the figures as well, I was the same, always made my mum wait until the figures were ready to come out! And I remember the the tune that played along to them as well, I sometimes catch myself humming it to this very day. Its amazing how our childhood memories stay with us.


  5. I'm like everyone else here . I used to make my dad stand there with me until I'd seen the figures at least a couple of times......lol, I loved them.....

  6. I can not believe I've seen this! I spent hours watching these figures. And it must be one of my earliest memories!! Awesome!

  7. Loved these. I remember waiting for the character to pop out from behind the drum and this only happened on the hour or certain hours. Did only some of them turn round on the quarter and half past? Does anyone remember the toy shop near WHSmiths, Burrells I think.

  8. We would also love to see a photo of the old Lewisham play area! Loved that crocodile and the camels?...

  9. Anyone got any photos of the play area? There's a picture here of a plastic pelican in the centre

  10. Even to this day I remember the music that played when they appeared.

  11. I also remember these as a child they used to creep the hell out of me! Not so happy memories

  12. I would love to know if anyone remembers the music played. Still remember it to this day and would love to know

  13. Brilliant. Thanks for posting these pictures. I had forgot all about these. Me and my brother used to bug our nan to wait there until we got to see them come out. As a toddler I always thought how sad it was that they spent most of their time behind the door and only got to come out now and again.

    Does anyone have any pictures of the play area with the big plastic camels and lions etc? would love to see those again.

  14. I recall these figures, aged maybe 6-7, (I think the guy with the moving scissors was my favourite) but more hauntingly the on the hour tune still resonates in my head...

  15. I certainly remember the characters, the tune is forever etched into my brain - I even can recall the instruments and the chords!
    Hoping to re-enact the song as a song one day, would love to find a recording of the original, or at the very least, who wrote the tune!
    I was a little boy and feel lucky to have experienced such a surreal/spooky sensation - whilst shopping!

  16. If anybody knows what the music that was played when the figures appeared it would be of great help. Have been trying to find out for years. Even heard it in a play at the Albany Empire. I can remember it note for note and whistle it from time to time!

  17. I was actually the guy who threw the question out there on Robert's show.
    I've lived in south-east london my whole life particulary around lewisham and, as many others have voiced, bugged my mum to take me back to the lift tower on the hour as I used to get so bored of her dragging me around M&S lol!!!
    Anyways im now a printer and "small world" that it is it was one of our clients that called the show a bit later on to inform Robert that she still had one of the dolls!! Amazing!!!
    Now for the big reveal....I CAN'T REMEMBER THE TUNE!! Shock Horror!!
    I remember the puppets and my favourite was the woman with the drum and the little head that popped up over it!! Was she meant to be a "Pearly Queen"? Sure looked like it!
    My friend hummed it to me about five years ago now but I can remember it...wierd!!
    If someone knows this song and where to hear it again, please, please post it up here so at least my full childhood memories are restored.
    P.S. Loved the crocodile/camel play area, huge slabs of hard climbing animals to fall off of...can you imagine health and safety now lol!!!!!
    Thanks for leaving all the interesting comments guys and im very jealous you all still seem to remember the song.
    Dee Dee De De Deeeeee...was that a small part??? I honestly just can't remember!! :(

    1. Hi there I’ve just seen your message and seen that you may still have one of the figures , just wondering if could contact me :)

  18. A woman just sold one of the figures on Four Rooms on Channel 4!

  19. I used to wait with my children for the on the hour show . They loved it . Thanks for the memory .

  20. I Also have great memories of the Lewisham shopping centre, the enormous multi-storey carpark and the FIGURINES OF LEWISHAM where the lifts were...
    I've been looking for years for photos or videos but nothing out there.

    Anyone gathered any material out there?

  21. Like some of the comments on here, I too used to make my mum stop so I could see the figures turn- I recall the scissors moving too and a big drum. And possibly a fishmonger.

    It's the music though that has stayed with me, I'm sure there was a sort of build up and then it was a very of-its-time part synth tune. Haunting is the word. Nearest I ever got to it was a track on Switched on Bach. Would love to hear the original Lewisham Centre tune again.

    I think in years to come (if not already) we'll regret the destruction of these objects and entertainments.

  22. I'm now in my 40s but used to come see my grandma and unkle Frank in Lewisham during the 6 weeks holiday. I always loved coming to the shopping centre on the hour for what I used to call the big show lol. I'd stand there just another little boy holding grandmars hand and been all exighted for the figures to start. I wasn't allowed on my own to the centre as my granny lived in the terrased houses in front of the railway lines( I believe the houses have since been pulled down) but how I loved the show of the figures,then it was icecream and play on the crockadile as I could never seem to get onto the camels back (not evan when my big sister helped me to get up lol) ahh the memories and how I miss Lewisham and its fantastic people. I guess alots changed since the late 1970s early 80s. As I said we used to come down to grandmas and unkle Franks house from Bradford way up north. It was always worth the long drive. I used to tell my friends about the bigbclock and statues that played music. Well I'm going to check out YouTube now and seebif I can find anything. Thank you Lewisham for making my 6 weeks holiday the most memorable and enjoyable times.

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Wow, and I thought for years I was the only one to remember these and the tune, everyone I’ve asked don’t recall them, and from time to time I’d think of them and realise they must only live in my memory... and then tonight I stumble on these pics and info and all you others who remember them, and I can still remember (at least part or most) of the tune, a fantastic childhood memory, can’t believe that some of the characters stilll actually exist, that has made my day that, does anyone remember the bakers in the centre (roughly where Holland and Barret has always been) that had a sort of mesanine floor with balcony that over looked the front part of the shop ? and how about the kiddies soft play leisure area up the stairs opp the old TSB or Halifax and the restaurant up there overlooking the squash courts ? loved going there with mum, best memories ever, can still smell it, this was all down in the area of the centre opp Chiesemans store, and about 2 or 3 floors up, there was also a Gymnastics Hall and very big Bowls room, (the Bowls room I actually saw in the last few years when peering through an old door from the car park stair well) it was all dark and unused, i would LOVE and happily pay for a guided tour of upstairs of Lewisham centre, it holds many many memories for me, if this can be arranged by anyone please e.mail me t.a.smithandsons@live.co.uk Tom Smith

    1. Tom Smith, did you get your tour?

    2. Tom Smith... I rember the bakers. You could sit upstairs and have tea and rolls. It was called The Oven Door.

  25. I loved these as a kid and would like to know if anyone else who grew up in Lewisham in the 1970s remembers the adventure playground which was up near Bonfield Road. I guess it was an old Bomb site and had zip wires and all sorts of activities. My siblings can’t remember it and there is nothing online so if you do please reassure me I’m not insane.

    1. I remember an adventure playground on the corner of Slaithwaite/Clarendon Rise back in the late 70s/early 80s could it be this one you're thinking of 🤔? Plus back in the early 70s I remember there being one on Dermody Road opposite the Holly Tree pub.

  26. I use to compete every weekend for SE London trampolining team and trained weekly in that now hidden leisure centre upstairs from the shopping centre. It has amazed me for many years how the council just closed it and focused on Ladywell swimming centre (asbestos and all)and also let another gem the old ladywell swimming pool go to reck. As a kid the old Ladywell swimming pool had a kids club for All school holidays, taught us trampolining, majorettes, band practice and so much more.

  27. I remember the adventure playground,your not going strange. Good times.

  28. One is Forest Hill at Post script antiques

  29. If anyone can remember the name of the music can you please let me know. Used to love watching the figures when I was down in Lewisham. A lot of my family live in Lewisham and used to go down yearly on holiday. Was a highlight to me when I was a small boy! neiljen100@icloud.com

  30. I Remember these figures so well back in the 1980s me & my late father loved these & the tune , my dad used to hum & whistle it all the time , it has stayed with me , i would really love to hear this tune again.
    I have tried everywhere online trying to find it & come up with nothing , is there anybody out there that can help ,.
    So many fond memories if you know please email me at cbibby92@yahoo.co.uk THANK YOU

  31. Hi sorry i do not have any of these figures , i was just wanting to know the tune

  32. My friend had several in her back garden in Sydenham.... freaked me out one late night at her house.
