Where were the South East London mod clubs?
A friend (Mick H.) has told me that he used to go El Partido club in Lewisham (8-10 Lee High Road) in the 1960s, a place he remembers being frequented mainly by young Jamaicans as well as some local white mods. King Ossie Sound played out there regularly. Other guests included Jimmy Cliff and the Duke Reid Sound System from Jamaica (both in 1966) and Bo Diddley in 1965.
George Austin recalls at Ska2Soul: 'music was a mix of Ska, Blue Beat and American Soul/Motown. The Club was on two floors, it had a small stage and very low ceilings just the place for live acts. Usually with two sound systems, one on each floor. Upstairs Duke Reid played with his home made sound system tucked away in a small corner, it was a large box, stood about chest height, which housed the amp with a single record deck on top. It had a selection of small lights on the front. The sound was turned down at the end of each record as it was removed and replaced with another disc, a large record box stocked with the latest sounds stood by the side, it's lid open displaying the contents. Speakers stacked up to the ceiling in each open room, pumping out the sound, using about 200 watts. The smell of hash in the air people dancing everywhere'.

There was also the Savoy Rooms in Catford (75 Rushey Green), originally a 1950s ballroom and known in the 1960s as the Witchdoctor. At some point the downstairs was named Mr Smiths, and I've also seen it referred to as the Black Cat - a later incarnation? The Rolling Stones, The Who (April 1966) and Desmond Dekker (1969) all played there. There is a delightful poem called The Savoy Rooms by Marie Marshall, in which she recalls being 'thirteen trying for sixteen in the court of the mohair miniskirt'. In March 1966, a man was shot dead in the club in a gangland battle involving members of the Richardson gang (including Frankie Fraser)
I've also seen mention of the Glenlyn ballroom in Forest Hill (15 Perry Vale - later Crystals Snooker Club) - the Kinks, Stones, Byrds and The Who all played there too.
Interested if anyone's got any memories of these or other places - happy to host any scanned photos, flyers or newspaper clippings people may have lying around too.
See related posts:
The Who in South London
The Mistrale Club in Beckenham - 1960s/1970s
The Green Man in Blackheath - 1960s jazz, r'n'b and Manfred Mann
The Fellowship Inn in Bellingham
Soul City record shop in Deptford
A friend (Mick H.) has told me that he used to go El Partido club in Lewisham (8-10 Lee High Road) in the 1960s, a place he remembers being frequented mainly by young Jamaicans as well as some local white mods. King Ossie Sound played out there regularly. Other guests included Jimmy Cliff and the Duke Reid Sound System from Jamaica (both in 1966) and Bo Diddley in 1965.
George Austin recalls at Ska2Soul: 'music was a mix of Ska, Blue Beat and American Soul/Motown. The Club was on two floors, it had a small stage and very low ceilings just the place for live acts. Usually with two sound systems, one on each floor. Upstairs Duke Reid played with his home made sound system tucked away in a small corner, it was a large box, stood about chest height, which housed the amp with a single record deck on top. It had a selection of small lights on the front. The sound was turned down at the end of each record as it was removed and replaced with another disc, a large record box stocked with the latest sounds stood by the side, it's lid open displaying the contents. Speakers stacked up to the ceiling in each open room, pumping out the sound, using about 200 watts. The smell of hash in the air people dancing everywhere'.

There was also the Savoy Rooms in Catford (75 Rushey Green), originally a 1950s ballroom and known in the 1960s as the Witchdoctor. At some point the downstairs was named Mr Smiths, and I've also seen it referred to as the Black Cat - a later incarnation? The Rolling Stones, The Who (April 1966) and Desmond Dekker (1969) all played there. There is a delightful poem called The Savoy Rooms by Marie Marshall, in which she recalls being 'thirteen trying for sixteen in the court of the mohair miniskirt'. In March 1966, a man was shot dead in the club in a gangland battle involving members of the Richardson gang (including Frankie Fraser)
I've also seen mention of the Glenlyn ballroom in Forest Hill (15 Perry Vale - later Crystals Snooker Club) - the Kinks, Stones, Byrds and The Who all played there too.
Interested if anyone's got any memories of these or other places - happy to host any scanned photos, flyers or newspaper clippings people may have lying around too.
See related posts:
The Who in South London
The Mistrale Club in Beckenham - 1960s/1970s
The Green Man in Blackheath - 1960s jazz, r'n'b and Manfred Mann
The Fellowship Inn in Bellingham
Soul City record shop in Deptford
Did you see the flyers section on that site? Well worth a look: http://www.georgwa.demon.co.uk/60flyers.htm
I remember the "Witchdoctor' night club in Catford well. Sunday nights were a big thing there. We'd take hours getting ready. Steve Maxted the resident DJ did all sorts of wierd things like sticking pins into his skin and eating raw eggs! The music was great and we'd dance all night to Mo town etc and be really tired at school the next day. Does anyone else remember going there?
The mid sixties - The Glenlyn Ballroom (more a dive than a ballroom!) in Forest Hill was the place for Mods to go at the weekend. All the sixties bands played there. It was usually packed out (Not much health and safety in those days.) It was like dancing around in your darkened front room - you could touch the bands they were so close and the 'flourescent' lights illuminated anything white so we make sure that we wore our Mary Quant white collars and cuff dresses (the girls). There were purple hearts available but few took any, we just enjoyed those halcyon days and if we were lucky we might get a lift home on the back of a scooter of a mod boy.
Also the Bromley Court Hotel in Bromley Kent was a hot spot for sixties bands. The Animals, Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames.
Fond memories!
Further out there was the Black Prince hotel at Bexley which was very much on the live r&b circuit. There's a photo in one of the Kent soul CDs of Solomon Burke signing autographs there. And Dave Godin came from Bexleyheath where he started his Tamla Motown Appreciation Society.
Thanks for the memories, keep 'em coming. If anyone got photos/tickets/flyers from these places we'd love to put them up.
Dave Godin also a record shop in Deptford, see Soul Ciyt
I worked at the Glenlyn Ballroom 1963-4. Very nice for dancing drinking and bingo. Jimmy Tippett was chief of security. Stones, Who, Cilla Black etc
I used to go to the El Partido in the mid 60's and also The Penthouse in Bromley, later called Peyton Place. I went to the Witchdoctor a couple of times on Sundays but didn't feel welcome there, coming from Sidcup. The Black Prince was a great place to go Sunday evenings as a 'come-down' venue
My brother John used to own the El Partido, and I worked on the door. My mate from Jamaica, Earl was the resident DJ and a real good mover on the dance floor. Mickey, a talented artist designed the place. I remember in those days it was R and B, purple hearts and coke lol. We were all mods, suede jackets and Lambrettas. Good fun days and I will never forget those good times at the El Partido.
Thanks Peter, that's priceless. Can you remember any of the tunes they used to play there?
Use to go to Bromley Court Hotel 1967? on my scooter with chrome side panels Saw Cream J Mayall/P Green
When I got Beano Bluesbreakers LP I thought I was in heaven!
Also used to go to club in Bellingham/Catford
Saw Fleetwood Mac and they had ska music Can anyone tell me what it was called? I remember flourescent lights
Also went to Black Prince to see Ten Years After (Alvin Lee)
Remember driving there once through one foot of flood water!!
Good to hear from you Markfor. Not sure about the last place you mentioned - could it have been the Mistrale club in Beckenham Junction?
No not Mistrale club
I think it was in Bellingham (near Catford) Used to play Ska music and we wore tonic suits
Lights were ultra violet so any white clothing would glow in the dark!
The Brockley boys were always at the Glenlyn , brothers Micky ,George and Peter Morgan, John Pinder, Tom GEORGE . Alan and Peter Randall , The Mods of the day .The Daily Mirror ran an exclusive and Peter Randall was top ,front page 175 Tv Lambretta owner photographed in news article of the Mods and Rockers.Peter died in 1985.Also Alan Aspinal and many others.What memories they are.
I remember The Stones at the Glenlyne, dirty rollneck tag shirts . I shot the Sheriff was one of the songs at the time and so was ," Oh Carolina." There was a little coffee bar around the corner called "The Alpine I Think.??. Very popular 1963/4
Markfor ? was it the Tigers head.?
When I came to Brockley in the '70s, Desmond Dekker lived in Harefield Road, a house with a couple of knackered Land Rovers in the front garden. In todays Brockley that would make him a social pariah.
feel free to join the Original Modernists 1959 - 1966 FB page ... loads of stories https://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_128414570531663
mario said...
The pub on the bellingham estate catford was the fellowship arms. i remember the flourescent lights that made everything white stand out ,ultra violet lights thats what they were. Many a good time there , always frequenting the king alfred and the tigers head. Great venues all within a stones through.
Oh My God! I've just googled Glenlyn, Forest Hill and came upon this forum. What memories it brings back! I used to live there and my mate and I used to stand outside the Glenlyn when the big bands were on as we were only 13 and couldn't get in at the time but I remember Cilla Black, The Kinks, The Who playing there. I also used to go up to Soho to the Marquee and saw great acts (at lunchtime would you believe!) like Small Faces, The Animals and Stevie Wonder. At 14-15 we used to go to the Penthouse/Peyton Place in Bromley and the Saturday lunchtime sessions in Tiles in Tottenham Court Road. They only served coke in those days! As we got to 16-18 (late '60s) we frequented the Apples & Pears in Bermondsey (first of the disco pubs), The Tigers Head (saw Marmalade there), The Fellowship Inn, Bromley Court Hotel (Geno Washington, Georgie Fame), The Mistrale. We also used to frequent The Alpine coffee bar in Forest Hill. Our school was in Catford so it was opposite the Witchdoctor / Mr Smiths - lots of violent goings on there! I also remember a dance competition on Ready Steady Go where a black guy (great dancer) won from El Partido. Keep bringing on the great memories everyone.
Another 1960s place I mentioned here before was The Green Man on Blackheath Hill, where Manfred Mann played early gigs (more about it here.
Would love to know more about the guy from El Partido dancing on Ready Steady Go. There might even be some film of it out there somewhere. I did come across this great clip from the programme of people dancing to 'Bread and butter' by The Newbeats in 1963: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRThvmg4FJE
I saw Long John Baldry with Rod Stewart singing at the Bromley Court Hotel, the main mod dance hall I remember (I was a mod!) was The Orchid in Purley, now a gym I think.
Nobody has mentioned the Ram Jam Club in Brixton.
The Animals played there on the opening night and Geno Washington and the Ram jam Band were the resident band there.
This was the most atmospheric place i can remember.
Based on 2 flors above the gas showroom at 390 Brixton Road.
First floor was the stage, dancing and a bar. The next flor was a disco with another bar.
Cheers Bob. You could scan the ticket, or take a photo, and email it to me as an attachment and I will then post it (transpontine@btinternet.com) Neil
The Pub in Bellingham with the UV lighting was the Fellowship Inn next to Bellingham Station. I used to work there helping out the guy who ran the Disco there. He was John Hoppy.- he also ran the Surrey Rooms by the Oval, The Falcon in Falconwood too. This was an evening job for me as I was at school still. This job (for me) was the bees knees. Good money (30 bob a night), free beer, tons of girls and great music - primarily Motown. I had to open up in the evening and my first job was to get the UV Flourescent lights working. When they were first turned on they would just flicker. The trick was to wipe them with a wet mop whilst turned on - life on the edge eh?
I'm going to try and upload a freebie photo of a ticket to the disco - I have one left. I used to stand outside S E London stations giving these out during the evening rush hour.
Great Days
Just to let people know I have now done a separate post all about The Mistrale club in Beckenham
Have posted in more detail on The Fellowship Inn here
It's been great to look at all your posts. I lived in New Cross and used to frequent the El Partido in Lewisham and the Savoy in Catford all the time. Dancing to black Rhythm and Blues and Ska blocked on something to keep me up all night.
I met up with Dave Godin around 1964 and with David Nathan ran Soul City Records on Deptford High Street and Monmouth Street in the West End.
Dave had the most phenomenal collection of R&B singles. He turned me on to hundreds of songs.
Great to read about these times from you all.
Robert Blackmore
Good to hear from you Robert. I actually posted a picture of Deptford Soul City here:
Any old SE London tales you've got always welcome here.
I worked at the Glenlyn in the days when it was used for Bingo, then in the nights when it was a dance hall. When the Rolling Stones played, they let everyone in, opening the back doors as the crowds became too much, so they spilled out and had to come back to the front doors again. Happy days, with Jimmy Tippett, a guy called Jack and others whose names are now a distant memory.
Often went to all of those venues. One of the big favourites at the Savoy was Cliff Bennett and the Rebel Rousers.
Anyone remember a club in a crypt at Charing Cross - called Coffee Annes or something?
Used to frequent the Glenlyn from 1963. The Detours (later The Who) were the resident Monday night band before they changed name and made it big at the Marquee club in Wardour street.
Girls dancing around their handbags; ankle-swinging sand jeans dyed different colours two or three times a week.Mum was a busy lady!
Saw the Stones and The Kinks there amongst others.
The Apples and Pears in Bermondsey was another haunt as was Witchdoctor / Mr Smiths at Catford where three of us got picked by Cathy McGowan to be dancers on RSG. My RSG resident dancer's badge was my proudest possession :-)
The Glenlyn Ballroom was a hangout for a little while, I worked at T R Roberts (Builders) Ltd. in Devonshire Road next door to Dickie Dears! A bunch of us went to the Glenlyn to see The Rolling Stones. I was told there were 900 people in there that night. I remember having to buy 3 rounds at a time because of the queue at the Bar! Nearly sure Sounds Incorporated played there and Cilla Black too Later, Fish & chips at the Chippie opposite the Ballroom on the corner of Perry Rise. This forum brought back Happy memories! Thanks Guys
What was the name of the gig venue in Bellingham in the 80s? I think it was above a pub and remember seeing Hank Wangford there.
wow!! a few memories here. I lived in Devonshire Road during the sixties and went to almost all of the clubs mentioned in this forum. Even worked at the Alpine Coffee bar, sure would like to know who dollybird is. Regarding the club at Charing Cross, it was in the crypt of St Martins and the Coffee Ann was a little coffee bar in a courtyard off of Whitcomb street Soho
Good to hear from you Clive, don't know if you still live in the area but there's a newish coffee place in Forest Hill (St Davids Coffee House) I think in the place next door to where the Alpine Coffee Bar was. I was talking to the guy who runs it, who like me is very interested in the music and scenes of the 1960s. I know we'd both like to know more about the Alpine and other local places so get in touch if you fancy a 21st century coffee in Forest Hill.
just trying to find the date that the stones played the Savoy catford..I threw my blue eye shadow at Mick and my friend fainted in the crush, she was crowd surfed across the the stage where they put the fainted girls...not fair!! Also danced to bands and records at the Golden slipper over the pool hall over Burton's near the Clock Tower Lewisham and the Rivoli Brockley. Jive jive jive!! And yes the Tiger's Head and plenty of live bands...wonderful stuff, frayed bell bottoms, stripy nautical tee shirts and the Hippy Hippy shake.
I believe the Rolling Stones played at the Glenlyn Ballroom in Forest Hill on 3 January 1964, and at the Savoy Ballroom in Catford on 9 May 1964. I am going to write some more about this as there are obviously some great stories.
Hi.I have just been reading all the comments on this blog. I was a regular at the Elpartido .In early 1964 the club was allways empty until they intoduced The soul sound discoteque,the dj played the latest motown and soul singles.Then in late 1964 groups started to play there.The resident group were The Loose Ends.Many groups played there including John Mayalls Bluesbreakers,Chris Farlowe and The Thunderbirds,Carl Douglas.Sometimes visiting blues musicians played there including Bo Diddley and T.Bone Walker who signed my entrance ticket which I stiil have.In 1965 the top floor was opened where the Duke Reid Sound SYstem had a residency there on Sunday and Wednesday night. On Saturday he played allnighters With the massive home made speakers he played the latest ska sounds from Jamaca and the latest R&B and soul from the U.S.A.Here is a small list of songs that he played.Busters All Stars.Under arrest,dont throw stones.Trip to mars,Burkes Law,10 commandments of Man.The Skatalites,Guns of Navarone,Ball of Fire,Dick Tracy(all ska tracks)I remember he would allways play Slim Harpos Baby Scratch My back and Edwin Star Stop here on Sight.All the records were in a large home made chest ,most of the titles on the records were scrathed out to prevent rival sound system operators knowing what they are playing,which still exists today among Nothern soul enthusiasts
Thanks John, great memories. If you've got any old tickets or flyers from that time it would be good if you could scan or photograph them and send to me (transpontine@btinternet.com) and I can put them up here.
I think the Alpine Coffee bar can be seen here:
Anyone remember the group called Bobby King and the Sabres that played at the Glenlyn Ballroom?
Bobby King and the Sabres, there's a bit here about them.
does anyone remember Harry's cafe at Brckley.People with strange nicknames
like CheesyGrin and Tut tut silly boy Rusty and Longboat.+
Just seen a lot of these posts brings back fond memories also remember the Bal Tabarin behind the old Downham Tavern, Chislehurst Caves great acts but no booze, I was a Flower House Estate lad myelf and Sedgehill when Rossi was there.
Used to frequent the Magdala for its "Progessive" music in East Dulwich in the Early 70's.... can remember attempting to walk to Trafalagar square with the rest of the pub one new years eve.... Also the first time... Personally though most of my time was spent following Palace... A fairly hard core group of us went and Pogo'd the Punks at Dingwells to see if they were for real at a Sex Pistols concert.
There was a mention of a club in Bellingham. There was a pub called the Railway tavern (now called the Fellowship) that had a hall behind it. I saw the first Fleetwood Mac and the first Chicken Shack shows there. Further on down there A21 at Downham was the Tiger Tavern where the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band played regularly. Then up the hill to Bromley was the Brommel Club at the Bromley Court Hotel where I saw my first show, John Mayall's Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton. So many bands played there it's easy to loose count but I do remember Graham Bond, Zoot Money, Shotgun Express and other's.
My name is Sian I own St david coffee house in Forest hill, I think perhaps TRANSPONTINE may have spoke to a member of staff or perhaps my boyfriend about the music, thank you for bring us into this feed. We, at St David are huge fans of the 60's era esp myself and its been lovely reading all your comments and stories. I found out that our coffee shop building was either, or next door to the Alpine Club which was really exciting for me to find out. I am wanting to put on a night of music sort of resurrecting the Alpine so if CLIVE MIRAMS does have any info or anyone else about what the Alpine was like that would be great. We have a vinyl so perhaps it would be an evening in which people can bring their own records and play them and share the music? best Sian
I was a mod in the 1960s mainly involved with the Orpington crew but I did go to a scooter club in Bromley that met at the hall(now next to Waitrose)in Masons hill there used to be a scooter shop in London Road Bromley called Lexsports run by John Rainbow where we would often congregate on a Saturday and I used ride up to Motos in the Old Kent Road to buy lamps for the front of my Vespa GS160. On club nights we would take a ride down to a coffee bar in Lewisham near the station. Bromley Court Hotel was a great Venue and also The Green Man in Bellingham. If there is anybody out there with any memories of the Bromley club?
Between the years of 1960-65 my life revolved around most of the clubs and venues that have been mentioned.
A regular on a Friday and Monday night at the Glenlyn was quickly followed by a Thursday at the new El Partido. Mr Smiths/Savoy was always a favourite on a Saturday and a Wednesday [Cliff Bennett, Tremiloes, Freddy and the Dreamers]. The Tigers Head was also a favourite with occasional visits to Bromley Court and Chislehurst Caves.
Some venues not mentioned that bring back memories for me are.. Bali Hi Streatham, King Alfred [ other end of Southend Lane from the Tigers Head].Saw a guy run off with the till with the nights takings [anyone know his whereabouts] Greenwich Town Hall [Animals] Barking Town Hall when we felt brave enough to cross the river, Paradise Club Peckham, Burtons Eltham, Greyhound Well Hall, Top Twenty Peckham. Streatham Locarno, Tottenham Royale and Purley Orchid were the big nights out until the entrance fee went up to 7/6d
The Mods scooters were always parked across the road from the Glenlyn entrance with the girls anxious to know who had the most lights, biggest aerial and Fox Brush or the most chrome. I couldn't understand why they preferred a lift home on the back of one of these when my 1948 sit up and beg Anglia was just around the corner !
We were a crew of six now all between 70-75 and although spread around the world from Scandinavia to Australia regularly meet and talk about those years.
Throw in the parties and trips to the coast there seemed little time for anything else.
How my parents must have despaired !!
bobby king and the sabres were also resident group at the temple bar in Walworth and the lord wellington old kent rd great band also alpine coffee house turned into restaurant called la romantique now thai called orchard I think alan [banstead]
Thought these links might be of interest:
The Loose Ends have been mentioned a fair bit. They were house band at the El Partido for a while.
This might interest readers:
Just found this page, great memories from those days, all those south London clubs....all the faces we knew wherever we went...all good south London boys.. As we were a bit older We knew the faces from lots of areas from Woolwich, through New Cross to Bermondsey to Peckham.
A few names that might be known from 1962/64...Paul Lush, Cyril Bell, Paul Jones, Wally, Chick, Paul Cossey, Billy Delue, Danny Keen, Barry Chapman, Alan Wilson, Jeff White, Sparks, Sandra Hicks and loads more. Peckham La Discotheque, Greenwich Town Hall not been mentioned and The Orchid Purley Chez Don Dalston and all the clubs that have been mentioned locally but by 62/63 we were mixing local with London most weeks...our main places were in Soho from the start of the 60's..La Discotheque & Flamingo Wardour Street, Scene Ham Yard and so on. | Billy Haynes
Really interested to read Peter's comments from September 2010. I found this page because I'm trying to trace info about Mick Laws who was at Camberwell Art School around 1962 along with Earl Green. I've heard that they were involved in the music scene around that time and Peter's post about El Partido is the closest I've got to a possible link. If anyone here has further info about Mick/Mickey Laws and Earl Green that they can share I'd be really grateful. Thanks Ana
Very interesting to read the various and multiple comments regarding clubs etc. in South London. A couple immediately spring to mind. First up was The Savoy at Catford where a group of us Mods went regularly on a Friday night circa 1962/63. The big attraction was the band - one Johnny Gray and his Band of the day. Great entertainment all evening as we mods just wanted to dance and dance and of course have a drink. Also we had good transport to/from The Savoy. One of the group had a Ford Anglia van! Remember those? Sad to see what happened at The Savoy in 1966.
The second venue was the Embassy Welling. It was a club cum ballromm and it really got the big bands & groups of the day such as Johnny Dankworth (no John Dankworth then)and Ted Heath plus Georgie Fame etc. The dancing was great and non stop including everything from the Jitterbug to the Creep!
Great days now long long gone....unfortunately.
we used to start at the King Alfred in Bellingham and at closing start walking to el partido on hearts anyone remember Lloyd medicine man in his tonic suits? Soul sound played upstairs late 60's
This is fascinating, love it. I'd really like to hear more info on clubs and venues around Peckham area which played predominately soul, ska and reggae music in the 60's and 70's. I'm trying to find out details about the Paradise Club and the Top Twenty, and I'm sure there are others, but drawing a complete blank. Any help is more than appreciated. My name is Craig Jamieson and If you'd like to mail anything you can get me on modernloversclub@yahoo.co.uk. ta.
I remember The Witchdoctor on Sunday nights. Took the train from New Eltham to Lewisham and the train up to Catford. Drinks in the pub across the road first. Catgirls reminded me of the name of the DJ Steve Maxted, yes sticking pins through his cheeks and then putting on old black and white movies while the music played. There was also the Iron Curtain Club and in Sidcup Club Austral in an old very small cinema, my first taste of club life. Woolwich had The Black Cat club, downstairs.
For those that enjoyed the music via the disco nights I played music at The Dutch House on the Sidcup By Pass The Welcome Inn Welling, The Prince of Wales Mottingham, Falconwood, Crystal Palace Hotel, The White Swan Crystal Palace, The North Over, The Bal Taberin Caroline Nights, The Chislehurst Caves, The Scene Hot Croydon, The Star brad Green Croydon, the Top rank Croydon, Bromley Court Hotel, Beckenham Ballroom, The Kings Arms (Kings) Peckham, The Apple and Pears, Bermonsey, The Three Tunns Beckenham (David Jones later Bowie used to pop in and played there himself on Sunday's, The Bull East Sheen, The Fox Palmers Green, Manor House Harringay. The White Hart Tottenham, Peyton Place Bromley, the Belll Bromley, ad hundreds of other long forgotten dives in and round London's west end. Playing imported soul, motown and ska/reggae Because of the promoters unwillingness to change the flyers and posters appeared under all manner of names Most i portanly we must remember Frank and Mike from DISCOLAND catford where most of the equipment was either hired or purchased by the bands at the time. I've posted another item naming the promoters. anybody out there that has photos of themselves at the time I'll be pleased to link them to a new site that will be under construction in June 20116 lookout for it details will be posted. rgds Carl
The ska2soul url has changed to http://www.ska2soul.net/60flyers.htm were you can see many Original 60's London Club Flyers.
It is also now a mobile friendly site at http://www.ska2soul.net/mobile
Anyone know where I can find Alan Filer, Clive Newman, Fritz, Jimmy Constable, Pat Toland, Eddie Stilwell, Dave Garrard, anyone from St Paul's and St Mary Cray estates, Eltham Green School.
We did all the above clubs/caused a bit of f*ckery too. Changed from an underage nonentity to bad boy to a globetrotter and lost contact.
Great, great days. I love you all.
The guy who won the ready steady Go dance competition was Hudson Green, Earls brother, with his girlfriend Pauline. I was at RSG dancing alonside them. What days ahhhh. Bob and Clive were my favourite mods at the Partido.
What a great idea.I was a regular attendee at the Partido. What a gas. Great dancing and bands. Hudson Green (Earl and Peter Greens brother) was the guy who won the Ready Steady Go dance competition with Pauline and I was dancing alongside them. Christina
I saw earl a couple of years ago singing in his band - a lot on face book about him. He isnt too well unfortunately...but was still rocking and rolling. Doing his wonderful music. He said his brother Hudson has passed away. Very sad. Christina
Incredible. I use to go to the El Partido from New Eltham in 1966 and go the Black cat club in woolwich. Small world. Christina
I was just thinking about the el partido and the witchdoctor! I went with my mates every week used to get our tickets for Xmas eve and new years. Met my husband there !those were great days!
Rocket fbh mentioned some of the faces around in 1962-64
I was a mate of Paul Lush, Danny Keen and Paul Cozzi at the time
I used to know loads of the lads from South London Mod scene
Rolo Evans
Just stumbled upon this! Fascinating reading as all my memories of the time are hazy now. I lived in Lee from about 1961 to 1969. During the summer of 1965 I worked at a shoe shop (Easifit?) almost opposite the club which I now know was El Partido. I was 15 and got the job by telling them I'd left school, and then in September I just left - and went back to school. £4 a week, riches for a school girl. I never went to El Partido, as I recall it had quite a racy/dangerous reputation. I remember the Black Cat at Woolwich. I went once with my older sister and was warned I'd be offered drugs (which I was) and not to accept any. My recollection is that it was raided and closed down shortly after, and I'm wondering if that was the gangland murder mentioned? Or perhaps it was just the drugs? I remember having a great time, great music - I was very into Tamla Motown at the time (still am). I didn't go out much as my parents were very strict, which is probably why I remember my night at the Black Cat so well. A few years later my regular routine was dancing at the Top Rank Croydon (the Croydon Suite?) on Saturdays, and the Black Prince (?) on Sidcup By-pass on Wednesdays. Thanks everyone for the memories.
Remember seeing the small faces at blackhead have rugby ground, does anyone remember the coffee house in woolwich
Some great memories here.
Don't forget Greenwich Town Hall; the Stones played here pretty early on, I think autumn 1963, and young Davy Jones attended mod discos there (maybe the smaller venue downstairs?) before he was David Bowie.
Yeah Anna < Id like to catch up with Earl and Mick, real good guys. Micky Chiel was also always at the club. I knew Peter Blackmore but cant place his appearance. But have not heard anything to help you. Peter Rollins
Just saw posting by anonymous that Earl wasn't too well. Wherever he is I wish him the best, he was such a good friend.
Gees, hope Earl is OK,was a great friend. Peter Rollins Ex doorman El Partido
Just found this site, I lived in forest hill/honor oak. Used to go to Glenn regular always sung homeward bound at the end. El Partido on Saturdays all night then 36 bus to Walworth road on Sunday morning to an all night cafe called the blue rooms. Sunday nights Bromley court hotel also at sometime all the other places mentioned here fellowship,savoy,king alfred,penthouse and the mistral some Saturdays up town to the marquee the scene and whiskey a go go. Just to mention amother coffee bar in forest hill called the wigwam and I also used to go to St Michaels youth centre in sydenham
The Blue Rooms was a small one room basement on Walworth Road, like you said Dave.It was run by a Cypriot called Bill, who also ran The Rodney cafe in the same area. It had a very steep staircase which could easily catch you out, if you were blocked! Mods would come over from the West End after going to The Scene and Le Discoteque in Soho. I also remember Bromley Court Hotel seeing Georgie Fame etc. Recently met a Mod who told me that he had seen Charlie & Innez Foxx (Sue Label: Mockingbird and Hurt By Love). They couldn't have done many dates, so this would have been very special. Talking of Scooters,there would be long rows of them outside the scooter shops on Fridays and Saturdays before the ride up to Soho. Long lines of Scooters riding along the OKR. The big shops to stop at were Ross Autos in OKR by Surrey Sq. (Vespa), Scootalong (Lambretta) also in OKR by Thomas A'Beckitt pub. But the biggee was Supreme Motors in Kennnington Road, that was the place to hang out!! They could fix, spray chrome anything! Also someone mentioned The Coffee Ann. An allnighter in Excel Court off Monmouth Street, run by a big guy called Doug. It had a Rokola jukebox in the corner, the cafe which was reached by going through Excel Court to a basement. You would never know it was there unless the two hinged door flaps were raised and opened up from the ground, again a steep flight of stairs. A true Mod stronghold. From SOHOMOD.
Ironically that poster for the El Partido club has my Brothers band on it The Groove Who were also the Bus and the Scuttlebugs at some time, they also played at the Bromley Court Hotel. Bal Tabarin and a few other clubs at the time The Place in Bellingham was In the Fellowship Inn just above where the Cooper Twins used to train, I saw Ten years after there also The eccentric but great Freddie Fingers Lee who used to smash his Piano to pieces up with an axe after the gig, I went to almost all of the above Venues The B C Hotel in particular where I saw Cream and Hendrix Plus too many others to mention. They were all local as lived in Flower House Estate Opposite Peter Pans Pool. After all these years and my sons being in a band now call M.T.Pockets we meet up with some musicians who were playing then and in bands like Geno Washington' Ram Jam Band and Desmond Dekkers Aces, Jeff Beck band and David Bowie band.
Mick Murphy
Jst read ur comments from 2011. Pity iv not seen before. Did not live in south London but went to apples and pears reguarly. Wot a great pub.
Wall to Wall Media is making a documentary about the murder of Maxwell Confait in Catford in 1972.
Maxwell was found dead in his bedroom in a house on Doggett Road on April 22nd 1972. He was 26-years old, of dual heritage and gay.
He often crossed-dressed and was also known as Michelle.
Maxwell was often seen drinking in The Black Bull and The Castle pubs in Lewisham. He had a large record collection, so he may well have frequented some of the music venues mentioned on this site. Perhaps you remember him?
Wall to Wall would like to hear from you if you knew Maxwell/Michelle.
Do you remember the case? Do you remember Maxwell/Michelle from those days?
If so, please get in touch with Sandy on 020 7241 9319, or sandrine.tabalo@walltowall.co.uk
All conversations and contacts will be treated with confidence and is not a commitment to take part in the documentary.
Do you remember ike and Tina Turner playing the Black Prince? 1966 I think it was
Only just come across this blog. Lived in Glenesk road Eltham in the early 60s and saw the Stones, cliff bennet and the rebel rousers and Johnny rivers and the castaways among others at the Savoy Watford. Saw long John Baldry at the black prince and with rod stuart at bromley court hotel where they seemed very friendly.
I played in a local band. A trio called the long and the short and the tall.Our main claim to fame was winning a rock contest which finalised on stage at the Woolwich Odeon between the a and b films. Great fun. We were offered a recording contract by Joe Meek, one of the judges who produced Telstar, the applejacks etc. Fortunately after laying down some stuff in his studio in Holloway road we realise he had serious problems and the contract was worth virtually nothing to us. He went on to kill himself and his landlady with a shotgun.
Locally we used to play the 100 club supporting Graham Bond and others. Also marquee, London Cavern Club, Black cat, woolwich, Eltham baths and The Welcome Inn Eltham. Be good to hear , and amazed, from anyone who remembers us. We were only around a couple of years around 63 to 65. Those were the days.
I usedd to go to the Bromley Court Hotel a lot to see Georgie Fame who appeared there quite often, saw lots of groups there but particularly liked Georgie. I loved the place.
I used to go to the Black Prince too. Loved it there
Just found this site - what a walk down memory lane. Used to pop in to El Partido on the way home from judo lessons up near the old cinema in Lewisham. I remember it being a place best to visit with a couple of mates.
My favourite place was the Bromley Court Hotel, trying to buy a pint without the big bouncer (Wally) catching me. Geno W. Tigers Head was my local (music in the back room) but Apples and Pears (walking on glass listening to All Right Now) was terrific. Green Man (Chicken Shack) David Jones DJing in the Three Tuns and later meeting him at a party at Haddon Hall in Beckenham.
Bal Tabarin, Fellowship picking the fluff off your suit, Penthouse Bromley all nighter.
Anybody remember the Twist Club held at Greenwich Town Hall on a Thursday night?
yet to see any mention of the teen & twenty club Camberwell, great on Thursday nights with groups like bobby king & the sabres and the coloured raisins, great records only nights mod r&b songs, later to become known as northern soul. brilliant times.
Wow, just found this blog, great fun reading about all these old venues. I lived in Forest Hill and went to pretty much all the venues mentioned and saw most of the bands. Memories that stand out are seeing The Who, The Stones and Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames at Glenlyn Ballroom. Being scouted to dance on RSG when bopping at the Tigers Head. Seeing T Bone Walker play guitar with his teeth (where Hendrix learnt it from?) at El Partido and being invited into a back room there for my first spliff. Only one person mentions St Michaels youth club at Bell Green which was just down the road from where I lived. They used to have bands there quite regularly although can't remember any names. Do remember the massive punch up when a rocker gang came calling, even the vicar who was an Austalian hard nut got stuck in. Was eventually broken up by the arrival of the old bill. I also frequented a lot of venues in Soho, Le Macabre coffee house, the Marquee, the Flamingo, Middle Earth, Bunjies, Les cousins and the Arts Lab. Later in life, around 1995, my son was a DJ in a club in Cambridge called Route 66 and I got chatting to one of the bouncers who was obviously from south london and low and behold used to frequent the El Partido so many happy memories exchanged.
Does anyone remember being in the Witchdoctor at Catford the night Frankie Fraser shot somebody in Mr Smiths the casino downstairs and we all got thrown out. There were Black Marias
Anyone remember Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band at the Tiger's Head Southend Lane on a thursday night?
The Fellowship inn was one of my locals Fleetwood Mac were regularly playing and The King Alfred h ad on Thurs The Blue Room often The Duke Reid Sound played
Oh such memories I was wasted in many of these places
Lloyd at the El Partido was the dispenser of medicine to dance
The King Alfred Bellingham Thursday night's The Blue Room played Ska and blue beat.
I was a potman are the Tigers Head and remember Bonzo Dog at the same time Kenny Ball and Acker Bulk did gigs there
I was a potman there and remember Bonzo Dog, same time Kenny Ball and Acker Bilk did gigs there
Just come accross this site when doing some research to guide my grandson with his music homework. The memories! My school friend and I from Orpington used to get to so many of these places, including La Discoteque and The Scene in Soho. Goodness how we ever got in, didn't have much money and we must have been only 16/17. One place I don't think I saw after scanning down the posts was the Bell in Bromley, which we used to go to regularly in 1963, before moving to the Bromley Court. We saw once the Animals at the Bell one hot night with the sweat running off the flock wallpaper, which was allegedly their first gig in the London area. Anyone else remember that?
The Ska Bar in Woolwich was our place. The 'Woolwich mob'mainly white Mod/skinhead Woolwich,Plumstead and Abbey Wood boys. I say boys as we were all between 16- 20 and new it all! We mixed easily with the mainly Jamaican boys who came from all over London to listen to Nevilles sounds. Also saw Prince Buster there, terrific night. Blues, decs and charge. Those that were there know what I mean. Dance all night have a goat curry from 'queer Kenny' the chef when you got hungry. There was a room behind the cloakroom where if you were a friend of Errol, who ran the cloakroom,
you could take your girlfriend for some privacy. A stroll around the empty Woolwich market square at 3 in the morning to get some air was a magical feeling before going back down to the basement ska bar to immerse yourself into rock steady,ska,reggae and the occasional Willie T, Major Lance and Nina Simone. What memories!!
Great to read all these comments. It's easy to see that you're all still young at heart like me! I'm convinced it's the mirror that's lying! We used to go on Saturdays, to a record shop in Lewisham that had loads of imports of Ska and Bluebeat. The only way we knew what we were buying was to listen in the shop. I bought Prince Buster's Al Capone in there, among many others. I used to go to the Black Cat in Woolwich, and another club further towards Plumstead that played mainly Motown. There was also another venue (word unknown then!) up the hill, where they played live music. Later we went to the Witch Doctor in Catford. I too won a dance competition to go on Ready Steady Go, and my friends came with me to be in the audience. I won another dance competition at the Marquee one Saturday, the prize was an LP and I was excited! Unbelievably, they gave me a Cliff Richard LP! I was so embarrassed to take it home on the train, I threw it away!! Keep safe and well people!
Brings back memories. Still speak to Wally Welch and hes in touch with a few others you mention. Danny Keen no longer with us I'm told.
Yes I do I'm 7o yrs old now but I watched the Marmalade in my nice suit an blouse I bought was fantastic memory.!
Loved the Alfred Thursday Ska then on to west end Roaring 20s
I was researching info on the Star pub in West Croydon and the great people I saw there like Long John Baldry, Cyril Davies’ All Stars, Alexis Korner and, best of all, the Yardbirds with Top Topham, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck as successive lead guitarists. Also remember Rod the Mod (Stewart) did some interval slots. Good times…
Yes sadly Danny Keen passed away and I heard Sandra Hicks also passed on…. Like to know how the rest are doing especially Paul Cossey Billy Haynes
Yes regret heard Danny Keen passed away few years back … chatted to him off and on over the years… bought a few cars from him when he worked at Guy Macdonald in Chislehust… was Wally the guy who was an asphalted in the 60’s ? Did you know Paul Cossi from Woolwich… often wonder what happened to all the faces … some went off to Spain for quite a while. FBH
I think you are talking about king Alfred pub which has nor gone it was on the road to Forest Hill played brilliant ska reggae on big sound systems. Also I saw Peter green play at a pub in Bromley called the bell and watched Géorgie game at Bromley court hotel regularly even saw long John baldry tête once
Hi Howard no idea where they all are. But I knew Fritz Clive Newman well I used to meet them at the king Alfred and go uptown with them and my pal Geoff McCormack who later was in David Bowies early band we use to go to la discotheque and The scene ham yard out of it on harts later on we blew out la discotheque and went to the flamingo. Saw Georgie fame and once saw cream play for an hour with that mad drummer. Jon Sherman
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