Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ben Pimlott Building: the best view in New Cross?

The best views in New Cross, with the possible exception of those from Telegraph Hill Park, are to be had from the Ben Pimlott building at Goldsmiths, opened in 2005.

The outside area by the famous 'scribble sculpture' is the best viewing point, with the London landscape framed by bits of curly wurly metal - here's the top of Deptford Town Hall:

Not only that, but it is all reflected in the glass of the building itself...

If you get the chance to take a look, I recommend it. It is generally open to the public during degree shows and similar exhibitions.


NXG_Resident said...

We need even more architecture like this in New Cross. Let's see what they do to the buildings they own on New Cross Road over the next couple of years. Here's hoping for a public art gallery/Cafe Crema establishment.

darryl said...

Nice! Although I'd say the view from the smoking bit at The Venue is at least as good...