Sunday, December 22, 2024

Last days of Catford Homebase

The Homebase store in Catford is closing down after the company went into administration. Bad news for the staff working there and also a pain for those who will have to travel further afield in search of DIY and gardening materials. I also the think the building on corner of Bromley Road and Beckenham Hill Road SE6 is quite iconic, not sure what the plans are for its future use. I think it would be suitable for a botanic garden!

The shop sits aside a pond fed by the River Ravensbourne that once served a nearby mill. Known as Southend Pond it was also known for a period as Peter Pan's Pool, a popular post World War 2 boating lake and amusement park for children. Today its island is home to a resident heron and a statue of two lovers.



Ema said...

Lovely pictures showing the inside of this Homebase. However I have to point out that Peter Pan’s Pool is on the other side of the road and still there. Many happy hours in my childhood spent there when it was called Peter Pan’s Paddling Pool 😊

Anonymous said...

A botanic garden? Or a free jewellers? How will the botanic garden be financed and how much do you think it will cost?
Is society so dumbed down we just spout nonsense with no consequences?

Anonymous said...

Peter pans pool/pond is in the same grounds as Homebase and not on the other side of the road,sorry to correct you. I was always going on the boats and going on the rides. My family lived behind the church and I live in that same house. If you look at the picture of Homebase you will see that the pond is just in front. There are 2 heron that frequently spend time on the island in the pond and also spend time by my fishpond !!

Anonymous said...

No, that’s Peter Pan’s Park which was only established recently. Peter Pans Pool is where Homebase is now. I grew up in the area and remember the “funfair” and boating lake!

Anonymous said...

The site where hombase is was called Peter pans playground and had fairground rides next to the lake, not on the other side, this was 1978.