Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Skinny Lister

Skinny Lister are a folkish band with nice songs that are very of the moment, judging by the success of Noah & The Whale and Mumford & Sons. They're mainly South London-based - not sure exactly where, but at least one of them lives in Greenwich and they played at Brockley Central's Ladywell Tavern night during June's Brockley Max festival. I suspect it might be a while before you catch them playing again in a local pub.

They have been featured on Radio 6, the Independent and Artrocker, and their first single, the Plough and Orion, came out in the summer. Here's a couple of the band performing the song:

Some of the band are also in indie outfit The Alps - busy people.Link

(update 4 November: one of them lives in Brockley - as they have just confirmed on Twitter)

1 comment:

  1. They played at Jam Circus a few weeks back too - v mellow summer evening kind of music.
