Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Up the Line - Remembrance

I've always felt ambivalent about Remembrance Day - wanting to remember those who died in the terrible wars of the twentieth century (on all sides) but not wanting to have my remembrance conscripted into a military patriotic parade preparing for more wars.

So it's good to see a different take on the whole thing, with some of the Brockley Max people coming together for 'Up The Line' - 'A Lantern cemetery procession in darkness with poetry, classical music, film and soundscape for remembrance of WWI'. It will take place at Brockley and Ladywell Cemetery, Brockley, London SE4 2QZ on, Wednesday 11th November 2009 (Armistice Day) from 7.15pm - 8.30 pm.

Among those involved are Helen Schoene (associate artist with performance company Switch), Julian Jacobs (concert pianist), Isabel White (local poet), Keren’Or V. Pézard (dance choreographer, Adrian Josey (a.k.a DJ Saffrolla, Ninja Tunes Solid Steel DJ) and John McKiernan (a.ka. Moonbow John).

They say: 'The event is free to all and is designed to give people of all ages an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices made during times of war. You can read more about the inspiration'.

1 comment:

  1. The Cemetery Remembrance Event will take place this Wednesday 11th Nov 2009

    You can arrive anytime between 7.10pm and 8.10pm and the walk takes approx 15 minutes.

    Entrances are Brockley Gate, (Ivy/Brockley Rd) or Ladywell Gate, (Ivy Rd/Brockley Grove)

    35 performers from 11 countries

    Children’s Lantern workshop at St Andrew’s from 4-6pm with procession at 7.30pm

    Info: or


    Volunteers Welcome


    John Up The Line event
