Monday, February 21, 2011

Anna Calvi- from Goldsmiths Tavern to the world?

Anna Calvi has been generating a lot of press on the back of her recent debut album release (e.g. this piece in the Guardian on the 'gothically inclined singer songwriter').

Quite liking this, so naturally would like to be able claim her for the Great Work that is South East London music making. Not entirely sure what the connection is yet, but Ceri James recalls her hanging round the old Goldsmiths Tavern in New Cross as a teenager, and she seems to have played some early gigs locally, including at at the Montague Arms in 2008. Anyone know any more?

1 comment:

  1. yes she was a regular @ the old Goldsmiths Tavern 2000(which btw was no bad thing at all - it was the most diverse pub I've ever been too) but she never performed there as far as I know. Other local female singersongwriter to watch is Greenwich born Sarah Gillespie - I remember seeing her play solo at Mooonbow Jakes years ago - she was a bit rough around the edges in those days BUT I must say her debut album is a very fine piece of work - excellent - and the production and contributions by Gilad Atzmon are outstanding too - Gillespie is obviously bright as a button - I haven't heard the second album yet but I'm looking forward to hearing it.
