Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lewisham Carnival Against Cuts

Despite the cold and the rain, between 700 and 1000 people took part in yesterday's Carnival Against Cuts in Lewisham. Protests outside local services affected by cuts, such as libraries and one o'clock clubs, were followed by a march from Catford to Lewisham town centre (by the library). It wasn't exactly Rio or Trinidad weather, but there was a samba band and jugglers.

Sue Luxton has a report and more photos at Green Ladywell (from where the photo above was sourced) and there's also a decent report at the Newsshopper (see also this film clip). There's also been a debate raging at Brockley Central where I have stuck my oar in.

Here's a short report by Camila Luise Hemmestad for EastLondonLines:

Elsewhere in South London, there were a number of actions at local Barclays Bank branches as part of the UK Uncut protests including on Walworth Road (pictured) where occupiers gathered round their 'Make the banks pay for their crisis' for an impromptu read-in.

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