Coming up for LGBTQ History Month...
LGBTQ+ London: Discover London's LGBTQ+ History (with a little Deptford and New Cross history thrown in)
'To celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month, Lewisham Heritage (formerly the Lewisham Local History Archive) are highlighting LGBTQ+ lives from times past with borough historian Sheldon K. Goodman, who will be joined by Queer historian Sacha Coward. From Molly Houses as part of London's 17th century queer subculture to protests on Fleet Street, Christopher Marlowe and ingenious quick thinking of cruising culture in the 1930s, this talk will give you an oversight of LGBTQ+ life and experience from the Roman times to the present day.
This is also a great opportunity to explore and support CORNER, a new queer venue and local business in New Cross run by Mark and Tarek
FREE: Tuesday 21st Feb 2023 @ 6:30pm, to be held at CORNER, 117 New Cross Road (tickets from eventbrite)'
The same venue is launching a monthly queer coffee morning on Thursday 16th Feb, 9 am to 1:30pm, a free 'Low key queer social with warm drinks and lovely chats'. After that is scheduled for every 3rd Thursday of every month.
A Whole Orange queer matchmaking service who are are helping organise the coffee morning are also involved with promoting 'Fruity Singles Mix: a night of live music and slow speed dating for queer babes looking for connection' at the Ivy House, Stuart Road SE15 on Friday 17th February. Live sounds on the night from Buggs, Zha and Kitty Fitz.

See previously at Transpontine:
Corner New Cross
Police raid Forest Hill gay club (1987)
Sharley McLean: from refugee nurse at Lewisham Hospital to LGBT activist
Gay New Cross 2011
Deptford Gay Disco 1976
A SE London Transgender Marriage 1954