in association with Bankside Open Spaces Trust
presents Red Cross Bards
6.30 to 8.30pm on Tuesday July 4th 2006
Red Cross Garden, Redcross Way, London SE1
Tube: Borough or London Bridge Bus: 133, 35, 40 and many more
A summer¹s evening of inspirational poetry and song in Red Cross Garden - hosted by John Constable (aka John Crow, author of The Southwark Mysteries) with guest poets Liza Hayden, Niall McDevitt, Christopher Twigg - and YOU!
Red Cross Cottages were built by Octavia Hill to improve the lives of the poor in what were then London¹s most deprived and violent slums. The cottages form a stunning backdrop to these beautiful Victorian gardens in the heart of the city. The gardens were recently restored by BOST, complete with pond and fountain. Southwark poet John Constable will perform his own work inspired by the history of the area, along with leading exponents of visionary poetry and song. Audience members will also be invited to perform a short poem of their own.
Together we'll reclaim the Red Cross of St George, celebrating south London¹s multicultural heritage. (* The last half-hour of the performance may overlap slightly with the first half-hour of the World Cup semi-final. If so, for those who honour the Muse but need their fussball fix, we'll feature a short poetic commentary on ze game, before decamping to one of the many local big screen pubs to watch the rest of the match.)
all welcome : free entry: free refreshments Funded by Borough and Bankside Community Fund
From Bob's archive: South London pastoral
*For mid-winter, the last in 2024's monthly series of posts from the
archive. Today, a cold day in February 2009. *
Photo: Keith Hudson, 2010Sunday. I am ...
1 month ago