A few weeks ago I walked late at night from Greenwich to Sanford Walk via the Ha'penny Hatch bridge over Deptford Creek. Luckily I had a better experience than somebody making a similar journey in 1831. As reported in the Police Gazette (6 August 1831):
On Monday night, the 25th ultimo, about twelve o'clock, Ebenezer Radford, of Montague Terrace, Peckham Lane, Deptford, was returning from Deptford, by the Canal, to his residence, when we was suddenly seized by two Men, near the Halfpenny-hatch, who dragged him some distance, and told him it was useless to make any noise, as they intended taking his life: they then attempted to suffocate him, but, by great exertions, he jumped up, and ran several yards, crying 'Murder !' He was then overtaken by the same parties, who dragged him through some water, and threw him into a ditch, where he was discovered, senseless, about four o'clock on the following morning'.
(Peckham Lane is what is now Queens Road, Peckham).
From Bob's archive: South London pastoral
*For mid-winter, the last in 2024's monthly series of posts from the
archive. Today, a cold day in February 2009. *
Photo: Keith Hudson, 2010Sunday. I am ...
3 weeks ago
Different Ha'penny Hatch. The London and Greenwich Railway did not receive Parliamentary approval until 1833.
Old and New London: Volume 6 (1878), pp. 134-142. records "In former times a narrow pathway, called the "Halfpenny Hatch," extended through the meadows and market-gardens from Blue Anchor Road to the Deptford Lower Road, where it emerged close by an old and much-frequented public-house called the "China Hall." The ancient tavern, which was a picturesque building partly surrounded by an external gallery, was pulled down within the last few years, and in its place has been erected a more modern-looking tavern, bearing the same sign. "
Well wherever Halfpenny Hatch was originally, as I found out on 10th Jan 2012,it's still dangerous.I was hauled off my bike as I crossed it at 7.45 pm and was wrestled to the floor by 2 young men who hissed at me to shut up, as they had "a gun" and relieved of my rucksack and bike. I'm 52 (Fem)and tiny!A secure warning sign at each end of The Hatch alerting people of possible danger would help,plus CCTV there.Not safe.
Thanks for the correction Bill, I was wondering about that as I came across a mention recently of another Halfpenny Hatch.
Anon, sorry to hear about your experiences.
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